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A Case Study Beginning with V. Simion Gocan PhD. In he obtained his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Candin Liteanu.

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His teaching activity started at the Physical Department of the Polytechnic Institute and continued at the Pedagogical Institute as an assistant professor in Cluj-Napoca. He was the head of the Department from towhen he retired.

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His activity continued as a consulting professor and in he was granted the title of honorific consulting professor. Professor Simion Gocan is among the first Romanian researchers who implemented and developed the analytical separation techniques based on chromatography. In the position of PhD coordinator, he supervised ten doctoral theses in the field of separation methods, such as optimizing the chromatographic separation process, lipophilicity determinations, sample preparation for chromatographic analysis, immunoassay analysis, bioactive compound determination from different medicinal plants.

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Professor Gocan bn labs fat burner series series a member of many scientific societies of chemistry, analytical chemistry and chromatography, in the country and abroad. His academic activity is reflected in seven textbooks, collection of problems, practical work guides and courses for students or postgraduate training programs. Professor Gocan has a rich publishing activity.

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Stiinţifica printing houseBucharest, The last one was considered at the time a fundamental book for the training of researchers and teaching staff. His theoretical and experimental researches as well as his pedagogic experience were fructified into a series of books focusing on high performance chromatography: Gas ChromatographyLiquid Chromatography and Thin Layer Chromatography Nollet Ed. Marcel Dekker, New York, He was invited to sustain plenary presentations at many national and international meetings and conferences.

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Quenching is the consequence of the second-kind collisions eco slim efecte secundare CH4 molecule with Ar, N2 excited species and chemical reaction with OH radical, respectively.

Processes were confirmed by the decrease of the excitation temperature of Ar and electron number density when adding CH4 in Ar plasma.

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The development of spectral sources began with flame, continued with arc and spark, than inductively coupled plasma ICPwhile in recent years microplasmas on a chip have become an important field of innovation [1]. Currently, ICP-AES is a mature technique with excellent analytical capabilities for the rapid multielemental determination as it benefits from the advantages of CCD technology and dualviewing.

Detectarea și clasificarea leziunilor pulmonare Context: Afecțiuni legate de tuberculoză La aproximativ de ani de la descoperirea sa, Tuberculoza rămâne o amenințare persistentă și o cauză principală de deces la nivel mondial, potrivit OMS. În general, TBC poate fi vindecat cu antibiotice. Cu toate acestea, diferitele tipuri de tuberculoză necesită tratamente diferite și, prin urmare, detectarea tipului de tuberculoză și evaluarea caracteristicilor leziunii sunt sarcini importante din lumea reală. Sarcina ImageClef - generarea automată a raportului CT: prezența leziunilor de tuberculoză în general, prezența pleurezii și în special a cavernelor.

This last feature enables the miniaturization to hand-held systems for in-situ analysis [9]. The results obtained in our laboratory have demonstrated that the atmospheric pressure CCP with tubular electrode operated at W and below 1 L min -1 Ar is not only a relatively powerful excitation source in AES but also a promising atomization cell in atomic fluorescence spectrometry AFS [].

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This ensures a better wet aerosol-plasma interaction and therefore the decrease of the matrix effects compared to MIP. Nevertheless, the emission spectrum is rich in molecular bands OH, N2 over a wide range nm because of the air diffusion in the Ar plasma. This raises problems of spectral interferences on analytes lines both in AES and AFS when using a low resolution microspectrometer.

Plasmas used for analytical purposes are usually developed in Ar and He, while those for thin film growth or surface treatment in mixtures of these gases with hydrocarbons CH4, C2H2 [14].

Mănăştur Nr. Reproduction, modification, storage in a retrieval system or retransmission, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, for any reasons, is strictly prohibited without prior written permission.

The study presents the features of the background emission over the spectral range nm and physical and chemical processes in plasma responsible for quenching of OH and nitrogen molecular emission and argon lines. Results were corroborated with the electron number density ne and excitation temperature Tex of Ar lines.

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The study is of interest since the introducing CH4 in the Ar plasma represents a simple method to remove spectral interference of the molecular emission on elements and allows the use of low-resolution microspectrometers in spectrochimical determinations.